
Darren Korb created a heavy blend of acoustic guitar and electronic drumkits that mesh perfectly with the surreal imagery found in Bastion. Whether this was intentional, random, refined, or selected, I do not know because I have not yet interviewed the guy. I would like to because the soundscape he created immediately grabbed my attention, which is dwindling each day.

The game looks fun. And I say this after sinking about 4 or 5 hours into it. I'm just too busy these days. And since DJing video game soundtracks is more fun than sitting at home and playing them, I really could care less about giving each title a critical analaysis. In other words, it held my attention for a bit but I couldn't be bothered fighting the same looking enemies over again.

The weapons on the other hand are pretty varied. I liked the machete and bow comination the best, but the shotgun (or whatever it's called) and the hammer are also fun. They even have proving grounds were you can test your weapon-specific skills on a mini game and unlock extra stuff. There are 12 weapons in all, allowing you to assault monsters in a variety of ways. If I ever pick up and play Bastion again, I'll crank the music and experiment with more weapon combinations.