
The internet used to be better. You could search for stuff, upload videos, comment on things and talk to random people. Now a bunch of crony corporatist shit fills up the sidebar, comments get hidden without you knowing, accounts are magically disabled, and users such as GAME TEST PLAY are curtailed and marginalized from ever propagating into the mainstream consciousness. Why? You can find the answer on the Darknet.

I've been harassed and followed by assholes since the internet began. The thing is back then I was able to fend off attacks with simple command prompts and looking at logs. Now everything is hidden behind a server that only masturbating gender-neutral bastards can tinker with, so most users don't know that they're being permafucked.

All the SEO and money in the world won't make you visible if someone has internally blacklisted you. The only 2 things keeping me alive are games and music. Darknet is a VR puzzle game that works just as good without the headset. The electro-ambient soundtrack by Dormilon is subtle, intricate, and thinky. It's also good for falling asleep to. Goodnight.