Clu Clu Land

I like activities that are simple enough to pick up right away and can be enjoyed with a friend. Clu Clu Land is game that can be used to determine who your friends are. If they can't understand that you're suppose to wrap your arms around the posts to turn, then you should probably stop hanging around preschoolers and get some real friends your own age.

There are other unique elements in Clu Clu Land that set it apart from other maze games like pacman and ladybug. Instead of collecting dots, you uncover rupees that make a picture once they're all revealed. If you're stumped, you can sneak a peak at the instruction manual to figure out the picture. There's also several fruits that pop up to keep things greedy, a timer that stops everything, and a flag worth an extra life.

The game was released for the arcade as Vs. Clu Clu Land with more levels. It was also ported to the Famicom Disk System with an expert mode where you need to flip over the ingots while making sure that they all stay upright, facing the same direction. If you hit a rupee twice, you'll need to cross over it once more in order to flip it right-side-up. It's a great challenge and injects a lot more thinking into this puzzle-action masterpiece.

Out of the 17 original Black Box games Clu Clu Land might be my favorite. It's certainly more fun with a second player but still shines when played alone. I'm glad it's finally available on the Nintendo Switch for the next generation to enjoy.