river city ransom NES megamix

River City Ransom is a game I never had as a kid but got to experience for the first time through Nintendo's online service. It's a quick and dirty beat 'em up that you can play with a friend, unlike the first Double Dragon for NES. Boooo.

You can interact with the environment by picking up trash cans, jumping on pipes, throwing crates, and going into stores and buying stuff. It's all good fun until you try actually making progress, this is when some of the design choices really show their age.

Make sure that the boss disappears before you walk off screen or else they won't really be defeated. Speaking of which, if you leave the area as your buddy dies he will return without losing any of his money-- glitch or secret? Sometimes you won't be able to trigger boss fights in certain areas for God knows whatever reason. Also, you need a guide to tell you which items to buy and which are a waste of time. Dragon Feet and some fast shoes are prolly your best bet. Don't forget to pick up the Scroll of ISIS... er Isis.

The game was enhanced and improved in 2017 as River City Ransom Underground, but suffered severe setbacks thanks to some asshole who weaponized copyright against the developers and YouTubers because he was too greedy to appreciate all the hard work by so many people that went into continuing this awesome franchise. Fortunately, the creators prevailed and the game is still available. Alex Mauer hurt a lot of people and was caught lying. He is also not a woman. Start a dialogue in the comments.