Princess Tomato In The Salad Kingdom NES megamix

Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom is the greatest graphical text adventure for the NES. It cuts out the wasted energy of simulating a mouse and pixel hunting. Instead, there is a nice simple interface with 14 commands that are easy to browse through and read all the silly shit everyone has to say.

Fruits and vegetables say the damnedest things. Whoever localized Princess Tomato must have had an incredibly strong grip on both English and Japanese. And the original story writer, known only as Megupyon, paints a mystifying and charming experience with a remarkable sense of humor.

If you've ever seen screenshots of the computer version, understand that this title had very humble beginnings, and was actually a spin-off from a story that satirized Disneyland. Only Princess Tomato made its way to console though, and got an excellent visual and musical treatment.

All of these elements come together to create an art style that is complete and unique. If there were ever any plans to bring Dezeni Lland or Dezeni World to 8-bit or other works-in-progress they are probably lost forever by now. If you haven't had the opportunity to play Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom, give this goofy, one-of-a-kind title a go while you still can.