Double Dragon II NES megamix

Which NES Double Dragon is your favorite? Well if you're talking about NES you can disregard the first game since it didn't have true 2-player, and if you want to get into all the arcade versions and other variants I'm just going to give up right now and let you decide in the comments section.

I was never actually a huge DD fan growing up. I can't remember if it was the fucky Renegade-style controls that my developing brain couldn't accept, or the fact that I was locked in a closet and forced to play by myself the whole time,

Just kidding I actually spent most of my time in a sizable den. Much more sizable then where I live now. Thing have gotten pretty lousy in the last several decades for the West. During the 80s and 90s, China only got a limited amount of video games absorbed into the mainstream consciousness, and Double Dragon was one of those franchises.

Double Dragon II was fun while it lasted, but if you want to relive retro Double Dragon, I recommend trying Double Dragon IV, that way you can play as all the different bad guys. I don't know why everyone shit on that game when it came out. I played it with so many people from kids to women, and had a great time.