journey to silius NES megamix

Journey to Cialus, Journey to Syphilis, and Journey to Silliness, whatever you want to call it, the journey to Silius is a remote one. A deserted planet that once held great ambitions of obtaining The Terminatorâ„¢ license, now stripped of its marketing budget and limited to only a handful of men who know how popular this game could have been.

At what point did the team find out? Did they think the whole time that this could be the biggest selling game of the season had it not been for negotiations falling through? You can sure feel the love that went into Journey To Silius. A fun run and gun with multiple firearms you can select, well-placed enemies, a ducking mechanic that is sometimes questionable, and a killer soundtrack to keep you pumped while you traverse deeper into each level.

It has a few quirks. The controls feel a bit sticky (maybe they got jizz on them) and the sprite count is low, but it adds to the desolated feel of the game that makes each ambush it's own experience.

In other words, take it one step a time even though you have a health bar. It's easy to give up damage when you're pounding through each section with the rhythm of the music. Push forward carefully and methodically until you reach the T-800 endoskeleton, or whatever the final boss is suppose to be. Then let us know how it went by starting a dialogue in the comments section.