mappy-land NES megamix

An underrated game with an overlooked soundtrack, TOSE focused on quality content and shied away from taking credit for their titles. Developed by TOSE and based on the Namco arcade game Mappy, Mappy-Land was published in the US by Taxan in 1989 for the Nintendo Entertainment system and composed by Nobuyuki Ohnogi.

Taking a peak at the instruction manual reveals that Mappy wants to marry his girlfriend but needs to retrieve a ring that was stolen by the Guchi Gang (not affiliated with the Gucci Gang.) Goro and his gang of Meowkies are the perpetrators this time. Goro is also known as Nyamco depending on who you ask and if they even care.

Mappy-Land was great. I still enjoy it today. In fact, I just recently learned about how to access the hidden bonus level after all these years. There are certain trampolines you can jump on that send you flying up to sky. Just make sure you've used up all your silly items, like the cat tickler and the fish.

Who was Nobuyuki Ohnogi anyway and what else did he work on? The Mappy-Land soundtrack is totally high-tier, full of rich tones and catchy melodies. I would hope to see this game come to contemporary platforms soon. Maybe even a reboot is in order. Over to you guys.....