Super Mario Bros 3 NES megamix

I wanted to cut all of the music tracks from a Nintendo game into one continuous mix. Choosing a game to start with was easy. Super Mario Bros. 3 has a lot of short and catchy tunes that I thought would be cool to hear all in one flow. It worked, so then it was matter of capturing all of the footage from the areas where each song is played.

After about a year of streaming Retro Game Radio onto various platforms, I figured I could connect just about any two songs from numerous different gaming consoles. Songs from the NES's vast library of chiptune music are especially friendly among each other since they share common tones, so splicing together all of the tracks within a game comes enitrely naturally.

This was also a great opportunity to showcase some gameplay and credit the composers and developers, as well as share a bit of trivia, cheats, strategies, and walkthrough information that I came across while researching the title. Super Mario Bros 3. was relatively straightfoward when it came to discovering its history due to the incredible popularity (selling over 17 million copies), but some of the lesser known titles would prove a bit of a challenge in the future.

There's still a lot of people who play Super Mario Bros. 3 and thanks to NIntendo making it available for free through their online membership, this glorious masterpiece can be enjoyed for many generations to come. GameTestPlay is interested in all things gaming-- everything from developer diaries, composer information, easter eggs, speedrunning, or just your experience or opinion on the title, so if you have anything to add, don't hesitiate to start a dialogue in the comment section.