Verti-Go Home!

Tolerance for motion sickness is hard to judge. So how do you do it? Keep a bucket nearby and measure the amount of vomit you spew up? After extensive testing with titles like Radial-G and Everspace, it turns out I rank somewhere between low and medium in terms of nausea tolerance. With that said, I didn't need a bucket while enjoying Verti-go Home!

In fact, I didn't need a controller either. The object of the game is simple: tilt or rotate your head to avoid the flying skulls, guns, knives and other random assets that fly at your face while you glide along a trippy portal and listen to some hip hop, EDM, and latin beats. The soundtrack is what caused me to pick up this game in the first place, and I'm glad it had a wild (and smooth) experience to go with it.

Vertigo or motion sickness can be caused by a number of different things and can develop with age. I started getting motion sickness a few years ago and was pissed because I wanted to go on water slides and rollercoasters and play VR. Then I went to a chiropractor and she put me on this S&M chair and did this thing with my back. I walked out of there 2 inches taller and get this-- it also alleviated my motion sickness!