Everybody's Golf

Everybody's Golf is a game I like to whip out every now and again when no one else is around. The online, open-world environments create a fuzzy feeling of warmth and solidarity that you can normally only find on a real golf course, except at a fraction of the price and without all the practice and exercise =D.

You can ride around a on a golf cart, look for coins, talk to people, RIDE A GYROCOPTER, oh and go golfing. The 5 courses that come with the original package are great fun, the controls are easy to pick up, and you can even sample the DLC by jumping into turf wars, which is a chaotic little team battle where you have to run to different holes and shoot for birdies and eagles as fast as you can. The entire experience is very engrossing but never overwhelming.

Everybody's Golf VR is a seperate package that offers 3 courses plus a driving range. I'm a little confused as to why they couldn't implement this as an add-on to the vanilla version of Everybody's Golf. Any ideas? Start a dialogue in the comments.