
Infinifactory is an environmental puzzle game where you're given blocks that function as conveyor belts and welding devices to move and combine pieces of stuff together. It's easy to learn, the controls are good (PS4 user here), and each factory had me replaying the levels over and over again to optimize performance.

It wouldn't be a complete experience without the soothing and mystical soundscape by Matthew Seiji Burns. The songs are elaborate and embellished with many little abstractions that prevent the experience from ever become frustrating. The last batch of the levels will take hours of experimenting to complete, unless of course you cheat and use the internet to copy a solution. And there are many different viable solutions to every puzzle.

You can pick up the soundtrack here. Make sure you listen to the track Human Ingenuity it's especially tingly. If you're even the slightest fan of thinking-man games I highly recommend checking out Infinifactory.